
Registration Form for Out-of-State Nurses without a multistate license

Pursuant to HB 2477, I am a healthcare professional licensed and in good standing in another state and am practicing such profession in the state of Kansas for the purpose of preparing for, responding to or mitigating any effect of COVID-19 . I understand if my status as a professional licensed in another state, my standing in that state, I am no longer preparing for, responding to or mitigating any effect of COVID-19, or Kansas authorization for my practice ceases, I must stop all practice in the state of Kansas unless I obtain licensure or authorization to practice in Kansas through an active license. I understand that HB 2477 treats me as a licensee in Kansas and I am subject to all rules and regulations applicable to the practice of the licensed professional in this state. This includes updating the Kansas State Board of Nursing if my name or address changes within 30 days of that change.

For questions pertaining to this form, please contact the Kansas State Board of Nursing.