
APRN Inactive Application

For APRNs applying to change their active status to inactive

Effective 8/21/2020

APRNs can change their active APRN license to an inactive APRN license if the APRN is not regularly engaged in advanced practice registered nursing in Kansas.  The steps to obtain an inactive APRN license are:

  1. Submit a paper renewal application for the initial change from active to inactive with inactive checked on the renewal application
  2. Submit the fee to obtain the inactive APRN license

APRNs with an inactive APRN license must renew their inactive license every two years by the expiration date or the inactive license will lapse.  Renewing an inactive APRN license may be completed via paper or online and submitting the inactive license fee.  The holder of an inactive license is not required to submit evidence of satisfactory completion of the mandatory continuing education required every two years for renewal of an active license.

APRNs with an inactive license that wish to practice again as an advanced practice registered nurse in the state of Kansas must reinstate their inactive APRN license. This can be done by:

  1. Submitting a reinstatement application and fee
  2. Submitting evidence of satisfactory completion of the mandatory 30 hours of continuing education
  3. Providing proof of current licensure as a professional nurse

Please allow 7 to 10 business days for the processing of a reinstatement application.