
Frequently Asked Questions


Verification to Employer

I need to verify my license to my employer, what do I do? (RN/LPN)

Go to Nursys to complete this process.

How much does it cost to verify my license to an employer?

It costs $1.50 per license and per employer. If the license is active there is a free online verification at www.accesskansas.org/ksbn-verifications/.

How is payment made for license verification?

We accept cash, check and money order payments only.

How long does it take to get a verification sent to the employer?

Verifications are mailed out within three business days of receiving the request and payment.

I would like to have both my Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner license verified. Do I just send $1.50 to have them verified?

Our fee is $1.50 per license so you would send $3.00 for both licenses to be verified to the employer.

Is there a form I need to fill out and submit?

We do not have a standard form. A letter for the employer is acceptable.

Can I have the employee verification faxed to the employer?

Yes, the fee to have a verification faxed to an employer is $2.00 per license per employer.

Can I fax the employment verification request to the board of nursing?

No, faxed employment verifications will not be processed without the fee.

What information is included in license verification?

Employment Verifications contain the license number, nurse name, profession, original issue date, expiration date and alert code if one exists for the license. If the license is for a LPN with IV Certification, that information will also be displayed.

How do I verify a Temporary Work Permit?

Fax a request for a verification of a Temporary Work Permit to us on employer letterhead at 785-296-3929. We will fax the response back within three business days.


When does my license expire?

Your Kansas nursing license expires on the last day of the month you were born, in odd or even years based upon which you were born in.

I didn't receive my Notice of Renewal. Can I have another one sent to me?

No, we are unable to send another Notice of Renewal.

Can I submit my IOA form with my paper application or after I renew online?

No. All CNE must be completed and approved prior to submitting your renewal. Once you receive your approved IOA form you may complete your online or paper renewal application.

Can I bring my application in over the lunch hour?

Yes, we do not close during the lunch period.

I want to place my license on Inactive status. How do I do that?

You may only place your LMHT, LPN, or RN license on “Inactive” status by submitting a paper “License Renewal Application” completed according to the special instructions for an “Inactive” license. ARNP licenses may not be placed on “Inactive” status.

After renewal, when will I get my license card?

As of July 1, 2010 we discontinued printing license cards for license renewals. You may go to “Check Status of Application” to review your expiration date and other aspects of your license.

How long do I have to renew my license after I let it lapse?

You may only “Renew” an “Active” license. You may “Reinstate” your license up to five years after you have held an active without having to complete a refresher course.

How can I find out what date my license was reinstated?

Submit an “Information Request” form found in the “Forms” section of our website. List specifically what information you need and mail the form to our office. A fee may be applied.

How do I renew my Inactive status?

Prior to your expiration date, print the License Renewal Application from the Forms section of our website. Send in completed application with the $10.00 fee. You will NOT receive a license card and you will need to renew your Inactive status again in two years.

How do I renew my Exempt status?

Prior to your expiration date, print the License Renewal Application from the Forms section of our website. Send in completed application with the $50.00 fee. You will NOT receive a license card and you will need to renew your Exempt status again in two years.

I received my Notice of Renewal Application for my RN but not my ARNP.

Notice of Renewal Applications are only mailed out for LMHT, LPN, & RN licenses. The advance practice licenses will be renewed automatically with the RN license.

Can I still submit a paper application?

Paper License Renewal Applications are still accepted in our office.

Since the Notice of Renewal Application does not include the fee, how can I find cost of renewal?

Access the KSBN website.

I renewed my license last year and I need a receipt now for my taxes.

Your canceled check or credit card statement may serve as a receipt for payment of your renewal.

This is the first time I renewed online. What is my UserID and Password?

You must create a UserID and Password. Click Register a Person and follow online instructions.

I have renewed online many times and now I can't get into the system.

A new system was implemented in March of 2009. This new system gives you control over your own login information. The PIN number of the past will NOT work for you.

I was trying to renew my license online but the system says I am "not found".

Make sure you enter your last name correctly. Also make sure you enter your date of birth and social security number as the examples show. If you continue to be unable to renew your license please contact KSBN at 785-296-4929.

When can I renew my license?

Within 90 days prior to expiration date.

I want to renew both my RN and ARNP online but the system only allows me to renew the RN?

Your ARNP license is automatically renewed with your RN license.

I was renewing online and got to the screen where it lists my license(s), but it won't let me go any further.

On the “Application for License Renewal” screen you must click on the word “Continue” within the profession you are trying to renew.

I was just issued an ARNP license that doesn't expire for another two years. Can I renew my RN online?

Because the ARNP is tied in with the RN license you should print out the paper “License Renewal Application” and mail it in to get your RN and ARNP expiration dates in sync with each other.

I wanted to renew online but I got a message that your site is not secure and I should not proceed.

Some browsers do not recognize the encrypted security certificate. This is the same site used by all state agencies for various business transactions. You have the option to file a paper renewal.

How do I know if I am required to have CNE for my renewal?

If it has been over 30 months since passing the NCLEX or if you were licensed by endorsement/reinstatement and it is more than 9 months prior to the license expiration date, 30 hours of CNE will be required.

I was renewing online but it won't take my payment?

Some browsers can not read our java script and therefore can not process your payment. You may renew by using a different browser or completing a paper renewal.

My payment was accepted but my expiration date is unchanged.

When you renew online there may be some processing that will take place. Unresolved issues may delay the licensing process. Keep checking your expiration date online.

After renewal, when will I get my license card?

As of July 1, 2010 we discontinued printing license cards for license renewals. You may go to “Check Status of Application” to review your expiration date and other aspects of your license.

I meant to renew my license last month but I did not get it completed. How can I renew now since the system won't let me renew online?

You must now complete a paper reinstatement application.

Once I Renew online how long do I have to complete my CNE?

Your 30 hours of approved CNE must be completed PRIOR to submitting your application.

What is meant by approved CNE?

CNE providers approved by any state Board of Nursing or any nationally recognized Nursing organization such as ANCC or AANA or a course approved through the individual offering approval (IOA) process.


My license expired at the end of last month, what should I do?

Print and complete the Reinstatement Application from the Forms section.

Why do I need a Temporary Permit?

If you DO NOT have your 30 hours of continuing nursing education you can apply for a temporary permit which will allow you 120 days to meet the requirements. You are allowed to work with the Temporary Permit as long as long as it is active.

Will I receive a Temporary Permit?

Yes, when requested on the application with appropriate fee, unless you have disqualifying factors. The granting of Temporary Permits is discretionary.

Will the CNE provider send my 30 hours to KSBN?

No, you are responsible for submitting your original certificates to KSBN.

What is meant by approved CNE?

CNE providers approved by any state Board of Nursing or any nationally recognized Nursing organization such as ANCC or AANA or a course approved through the individual offering approval (IOA) process.

My license lapsed more than 5 years ago, what should I do to reinstate it?

Any applicant whose Kansas license has lapsed for more than five years beyond its expiration date may reinstate the license by submitting evidence of:

  • Current licensure in another jurisdiction which requires completion of a number of contact hours of continuing nursing education for license renewal which are equivalent to or greater than the number of hours required in Kansas or
  • Licensure in another jurisdiction sometime during the preceding five-year period, and completion of 30 contact hours of approved continuing nursing education within the preceding two-year period or
  • Satisfactory completion of a refresher course approved by the board

Initial Application

How long do I have to test after graduation?

You have 2 years from the date of your graduation to test without additional requirements.

When will I receive my new Authorization to Test (ATT) number?

You will receive your ATT once:

  • KSBN has received completed application with fee
  • KSBN has received Approval to Test before Transcript or your Degree posted Transcript
  • Applicant has submitted examination fee to PearsonVue
My classmates all got their Authorization to Test number but I haven't received mine?

You should check status of application to see that you have met all of your requirements.

  • Visit www.ksbn.org website
  • Select Check Status of Application
  • Register a Person to create a UserID and Password
  • Log in to see what may be missing
My classmates have received their license, when will I get mine?

If you have passed NCLEX, KSBN may not have received all the required documentation.

  • Visit www.ksbn.org website
  • Select Check Status of Application
  • Register a Person to create a UserID and Password
  • Log in to see what may be missing
On the Check Status of Application the Approved by Legal is unchecked. What does this mean since I do not have any legal issues?

This may mean we are waiting on the background check information from the fingerprints you submitted. It does not necessarily mean there have been legal issues discovered.

I went to Check Status of Application and noticed a License Number assigned to me. When will I get my card?

License cards for new licensees are printed at least weekly.

I went to Check Status of Application and noticed Passed NCLEX was checked. What does this mean?

It means that you passed the NCLEX exam. This does NOT mean a license has been issued yet.

I'm foreign educated. What are the requirements for foreign nurses to be licensed in Kansas?

Please refer to our website, www.ksbn.org, click on Forms & scroll down to Instructions for Foreign Nurses.

Where do I get my school code?

Please contact your school or visit the NCSBN.org website for the code which is required on the Initial License application.

I just got my license card but there is no expiration date on the card. When does my license expire?

The expiration date shall be the last day of the month in which the licensee’s birthday occurs and will be an odd or even year depending on which year you were born in. A license expires every two years. Refer to our License Verification Database at www.ksbn.org to see when your license expires.

How do I apply for accommodations for NCLEX testing?

NCLEX candidates may request special accommodations for taking the NCLEX examination. The instructions are available at the KSBN website.

Can I fax my Petition to Retest Application?

No, the complete Petition for Permission to Test or Retest must be mailed.

What do I need to do to retake the NCLEX exam?
  • Re-apply and submit payment to PearsonVue (at www.ncsbn.org) to test
  • Completed application with fee to KSBN
  • If over two years after graduation date, complete Petition for Permission to Test or Retest
What are some examples of an incomplete application?

An incomplete application could be any of the following:

  • White-out was used on an application
  • Fee not enclosed
  • Application not signed/notarized on the same date
  • Copy received not original application
  • All questions need to be answered completely including graduation date and school codes


How do I answer the question about CNE if I am renewing my license for the first time after passing the NCLEX exam?

If it has been less than 30 months since passing the NCLEX exam, you are not required to obtain CNE. You should answer no. If it has been more then 30 months and you have completed approved CNE you should answer yes.

How do I answer the question about CNE if I am renewing my license for the first time after reinstatement or endorsement?

If it has been less than 9 months since reinstatement or endorsement, you are not required to obtain CNE. You should answer no. If it has been more then 9 months and you have completed approved CNE you should answer yes.

What happens if I renew and have not obtained 30 hours of approved CNE?

You may be disciplined.

What proof do I need that I completed my CNE?

Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Certificates or CNE transcripts that clearly designate the number of hours of approved Continuing Nursing Education that has been successfully completed. CNE Certificates and CNE transcripts must contain: Name of CNE offering; provider name or name of the accrediting organization; provider number or number of the accrediting organization, if applicable; offering date; number of contact hours awarded; and the licensee’s name and license number as shown on the course roster. Examples of acceptable providers are IOA forms; CNE providers approved by any State Board of Nursing or any Nationally recognized Nursing Accrediting Organization, such as: ANCC, NFLPN.

When do I need to apply for individual offering approval (IOA form)?

Any course not approved by a recognized CNE provider must go through the individual offering approval process. This would include all college courses and all courses provided by other health care providers.

Can I submit my IOA form after I renew online or with my paper application?

No. All CNE’s must be completed and approved prior to your renewal. Once you receive your approved IOA form you may complete your online or paper renewal application.

Do I still have to list/enter my CNE?

No. Please retain your certificates in the event you are selected for an audit. If you are audited you must submit original certificates.

How many Continuing Nursing Education hours do I need to renew?

Thirty (30) hours of approved Continuing Nursing Education are required every 2 years. You must have completed your CNE before submitting the renewal application. If you hold an APRN license, all Continuing Nursing Education for renewal must be completed at the level of the APRN role you hold, ie: NP, CNS, NMS, or CRNA.

Do you provide a list of approved Continuing Nursing Education?

No, KSBN does not provide a list. Some courses can be found in the KSBN Nursing newsletter.

How do I know the Continuing Nursing Education I completed is approved?

Check the accreditation and/or approval on all courses that you complete. KSBN will only accept Continuing Nursing Education that is approved or accredited by Nursing providers. Examples of acceptable providers are KSBN IOA form; CNE providers approved by any state Board of Nursing or any nationally recognized Nursing organization such as ANCC or AANA.

For APRN’s, compare the course objectives/outcomes for any CNE course you are considering with the GUIDELINES IN FINDING CNE FOR APRNS found on the home page of ksbn.org. If the objectives meet one of the APRN Guidelines, then it would be appropriate for APRN level Continuing Nursing Education.

Do college classes count for Continuing Nursing Education?

College course are not approved for CNE contact hours without submission of an Individual Offering Approval (IOA) form, prior to renewal or reinstatement of license. Even with the submission of an IOA not all college courses are eligible for CNE contact hours. College courses acceptable for CNE with an IOA may include any of the following: any college courses in science, psychology, sociology, or statistics that are prerequisites for a nursing degree. Contact hours shall not be recognized by the board for any of the following: an incomplete or failed college course or any college course in literature and composition, public speaking, basic math, algebra, humanities, or other general education requirements unless the course meets the definition of CNE. Please note if you have successfully completed a college course within your renewal period and the course meets the definition of CNE, you must submit the course for official approval by IOA to the Board PRIOR to renewal of your nursing license.

Definition of CNE: K.S.A 65‐1117 (a) Continuing nursing education means learning experiences intended to build upon the educational and experiential bases of the registered professional and licensed practical nurse for the enhancement of practice, education, administration, research or theory development to the end of improving the health of the public.

I have acquired many Continuing Nursing Education hours that are less than 1 contact hour. Can I use those for Continuing Education hours?

KSBN will now accept approved Continuing Nursing Education courses for APRNs, RNs, LPNs, and LMHTs, that are 30 minutes or longer, for inclusion in the total hours needed for license renewal.

Can I use my CMEs for Continued Nursing Education?

CME’s are Continuing Medical Education (CME) and not Continuing Nursing Education (CNE). These may only be used if the course is submitted for approval on the Individual Offering of Approval (IOA) form, or if the course is accredited by ANCC for nursing CNE.

Can I fax Individual Offering Approval?

No, you must submit the IOA form, and other items as noted in the instructions for completing the IOA form, online here.

Some certificates give credit in CEU's. What's a CEU?

One CEU (continuing education unit) = 10 contact hours. One contact hour is equal to 50 clock minutes. One contact hour is accepted by KSBN as 1 CNE hour.

How do I become a provider of Continuing Nursing Education?

You must fill out either a Single Program Providership Application or a Long-Term Providership Application depending on your needs.

How many CNE hours are college classes worth?

If approved, a college class will be worth 15 contact hours of CNE for every one semester credit that was earned for the college class. An original transcript is necessary to prove completion of the class, along with a syllabus, the IOA form and a self addressed, stamped envelope.


Can a nurse take physician orders from an unlicensed person (ie; medical assistant)?

Yes. Nothing in the Kansas Nurse Practice Act prevents a nurse from receiving a physicians order through an unlicensed person. The Healing Arts Act does not preclude a physician from relaying an order through an unlicensed person. A nurse still has a duty to know that it is a legitimate physician order and to question the order if it does not seem standard/correct. Some liability carriers preclude an insured from engaging in this practice because having a middleman/unlicensed individual can increase the margin for error. Check your facility policy/procedure to see if it is prohibited or allowed.

Can a nurse be supervised by a non-nurse?

Yes. As a rule the Kansas Nurse Practice Act requires that an individual must be licensed to supervise the nursing process. A non-nurse could not supervise nursing practice. However a non-nurse could supervise basic employment issues (ie: cleanliness, appearance, time issues, etc.).

Can a non-nurse control the regular nursing time schedule?

No. A non-nurse could help draft the basic schedule according to usual requirements but the final decision would be a nursing decision because patient census/acuity factors must be considered.

Can a non-nurse make staff assignments?

No. Making assignments involves the nursing process and judgment regarding patient acuity and staff skill mix.

What is the scope of practice for an LPN?

K.S.A. 1113(d)(2) sets three qualifiers for LPN practice: 1) an LPN must have a supervisor that is an RN, someone licensed to practice medicine and surgery (M.D. or D.O.) or a dentist; 2) an LPN must function in the area of supportive and/or restorative care; 3) an LPN’s activities must be based on acceptable educational preparation. If these three criteria are met an LPN may engage in care, nursing diagnosis, treatment, counsel and health teaching , supervision, administration, teaching of the nursing process and execution of the medical regimen. These activities are most often limited by the LPN’s educational preparation. Any post basic education obtained can be considered and should meet the industry standard.

If a nurse decides not to call in and is simply a no show for work does that constitute patient abandonment?

No. A nurse must accept a specific patient assignment then walk away during that work period without obtaining an appropriate relief/replacement worker to constitute patient abandonment. No call/no show may constitute job abandonment from an employment perspective.

Can an unlicensed person call themselves a nurse?

No. K.S.A. 65-1114 makes it unlawful for any individual to practice as, hold oneself out as, use any sign/card/device or words to the effect they are licensed as an RN, LPN or ARNP unless they are duly licensed or authorized. K.S.A. 65-1122 imposes a criminal penalty for such actions.

Can an unlicensed person practice nursing?

No. The general rule of law (K.S.A. 65-1114) says they cannot. See above answer. There are some exceptions to this answer and they are found at K.S.A. 65-1124. They include but are not limited to; gratuitous nursing by friends or family, domestic servants, unlicensed people who have had a nursing action delegated to them by a nurse, etc.

Can a non-nurse or non IV certified LPN engage in the practice of IV therapy in a physician's office?

Yes. The Healing Arts Act allows physicians to delegate the practice of medicine to anyone the physician deems qualified. Qualified could mean by education, licensure, or on the job training. When a physician delegates it must be appropriate (ie; a specific task for a specific patient).

Can an LPN draw blood?

Yes. K.S.A. 65-1113(d)(2) would allow that authority if the LPN had; 1) a supervisor that is an RN, MD DO, DDS; 2) the LPN is functioning in supportive/restorative care and 3) the act was based on acceptable educational preparation. The LPN would also need a physician’s order.

What is acceptable educational preparation?

It is the education level and content most common to all individuals that perform the same activity. Example; a phlebotomist receives basic education on anatomy, tube selection for tests required, blood drawing procedure. An LPN or RN would have to know/learn the same information. The level of education required is not set by statute or regulation but is industry driven. Look to see what most facilities or liability carriers require.

Are nurses allowed to add patient information to a chart after their shift is past?

Yes. But it must be done correctly or one will be guilty of falsifying a patient record. First, the information must be truthful. Example One cannot go back and make up vital signs and fill-in blanks because a clerk says no payment will occur without them. Second, check the facility policy and procedure and follow those directions on late entries. Third, if there is no policy or procedure it is probably most correct to identify the actual time of information addition and circle the time of the actual nursing act to show it is a late entry. Some people choose to add an “Addendum” to the chart. It is not uncommon for a nurse to forget to record something, remember it later and on return to work make a late entry. It is the normal course of business. One should never go back and change something on the original writing. Late additions/entries should be set off and placed in the next available chronological space.

Can an employer narrow a nurses scope of practice and is a nurse bound by that?

Yes. Even though the legislature and Board through statutes and regulations set a wide scope of practice for nurses, an employer can choose what they will and won’t allow a nurse to do. A nurse is bound by the facility policy and procedure. K.S.A. 65-1120(a)(6) unprofessional conduct is a ground for discipline of a nurses license. At K.A.R. 60-3-110(c) unprofessional conduct is defined as failing to follow policies and procedures in the practice situation designed to safeguard the patient. You must know and follow your facility policy and procedures unless you believe it is clearly substandard.

How do I contact other State Boards or Nursing?
How can I help facilitate how quickly my application is reviewed?

The Board of Nursing strongly encourages all individuals with a criminal or discipline history to be fully prepared with information regarding their background and to start the application process early.


Is The Kansas State Board of Nursing Page contained in the accessKansas website at www.accesskansas.org/ksbn-verifications the official verification website of the Kansas State Board of Nursing?

Yes, The Kansas State Board of Nursing Page contained in the accessKansas website at www.accesskansas.org/ksbn-verifications/ is the official verification website of the Kansas State Board of Nursing. The accessKansas website receives the Kansas State Board of Nursing information directly from the Kansas State Board of Nursing database and is protected from alteration by unauthorized individuals by using encryption technology. The Kansas State Board of Nursing Page is considered a primary source for Kansas State Board of Nursing data. It is the same information the Kansas State Board of Nursing provides through other means and is true and complete to the best of our knowledge.

I can't seem to get a result and I am entering in the correct license number?

When the information is exported to INK.org, the license number is broken into 3 separate fields. The License Verification Database only searches for the middle license numbers.  Likewise the first 0 (zero) in the second set of numbers was dropped as part of a Licensee’s License Number.   In short when searching in the License Verification Database by license number, only search the middle five numbers as represented by X‘s in the example.  Example: 14-0XXXXX-082.

What do those first two letters of the License Number mean?

License numbers are broken down into 3 sections, the License Prefix specifies the Profession, the Middle numbers are a randomly generated identifier and the License Suffix specifies the month and odd or even year of renewal. View the License Prefix Professions Meanings.

Finger Prints

Can I get my fingerprints done at my local police station?

Yes, any Law Enforcement agency that is authorized to take prints is acceptable.

Who mails my fingerprint card once my prints have been taken?

The law enforcement agency that takes the prints should mail them to KSBN in the self addressed stamped envelope you provide.

What if my local law enforcement agency won't mail my fingerprints in?

Find another law enforcement agency.

Will I be charged a fee by the law enforcement agency to take my fingerprints?

You may be charged an additional fee by the law enforcement agency for the fingerprinting service.

Do I have to write two checks for the fingerprint fee and application fee?

You may write one check for the total of the application fee and the fingerprint fee for the background check.

I forgot to enclose my fingerprint fee with my fingerprint card. Can I give you my credit card information?

No, you must mail in a check or money order to cover the cost of conducting the background check.

How long does it take to get my background report completed once you have my fingerprints?

Fingerprints will be sent to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and will be returned to KSBN within 5 -10 business days. Processing may take longer if a name search is required.

I just had a background check done at my school/for licensure in another state. Why do I have to repeat the process?

You must repeat the background check in Kansas so we can obtain a state check as well as a federal background check.

If I apply for an endorsement into Kansas now and submit my application for advanced practice in a few months, will I need my fingerprints retaken?

Not if the Advance Practice Application is completed within 6 months of the original fingerprints.

My local police department says they only do live scans. Will those be accepted in your office?

No, we do not have the ability to receive fingerprints from other agencies electronically.

Does my fingerprint card need to be mailed along with my application or directly from the police department?

The fingerprint card, and waiver signed by the individual taking prints, must be mailed from the police department in a 9×12 stamped envelope addressed to KSBN. The envelope is provided by the applicant.

I requested a fingerprint card from your office and it was bent in the mail. Can I still use this card?

No, the fingerprint card can not be processed if it has been bent. Contact KSBN for another fingerprint card.

My local police department wants to use their own card for my prints. What do I do since your form says they must be done on the KSBN card?

Use the KSBN fingerprinting card.

I failed my NCLEX. Do I need to submit another fingerprint card with my new application?

Your fingerprints are good for 6 months from when they are taken. If you do not successfully pass the NCLEX within the 6 month timeframe your fingerprints will need to be re-taken.

My school mentioned having law enforcement come in to take our fingerprints. Is that acceptable?

Yes, the school must mail the fingerprints to the KSBN office.

Who is authorized to take my fingerprints?

Any law enforcement agent who is authorized to take fingerprints.