
KORA Request

Kansas Open Records Act Request Information and Form

Open Records Request

The Kansas Open Records Act grants you the right to inspect and obtain copies of public records created or maintained by public agencies in Kansas.  The Open Records Act, K.S.A. 45-215, et seq, as amended, declares that it is the public policy of Kansas that, generally “public records shall be open for inspection by any person.”  Public records are defined as “any recorded information, regardless of form or characteristic, which is made, maintained, or kept by or is in the possession of any public agency.”  The Kansas State Board of Nursing is a public agency for the purposes of this Act.

You Have the Right To…

  • Request assistance from the agency’s Public Information Officer at any time
  • Receive a response to your request within three business days of the date the request was received in the agency, the response may inform you that it will take additional time to produce the records
  • Inspect and obtain copies of public records that are not exempted from mandatory disclosure by law
  • File a complaint with the Kansas Attorney General if you feel your public records request is wrongfully denied

Your Responsibilities

  • You may request existing records – written, photographic, or computerized. The Kansas Open Records Act does not require an agency to create records, answer questions or prepare reports
  • You must put your record request in writing
  • You may not use any list of names and addresses in public records to solicit the purchases of services or property
  • You may be required to pay reasonable fees, not exceeding actual cost, for copies of records, mailing costs, and staff time spent in processing your request of helping you to access records

Requesting a Record

Regular hours on business days are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 pm.  Records may be inspected during those hours.  The Kansas State Board of Nursing is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and official holidays. You must submit a written request to obtain copies of public records.  Please include the following information in your request:

  • Your name
  • Mailing or email address
  • Specific description of the records you are requesting.
    Make your request as specific as possible to expedite the process.


Mail your request(s) to:
Linda Davies
Public Information Officer
900 SW Jackson, Suite 1051
Topeka, KS 66612

Fax your request(s) to 785-296-3929 with the subject line: Open Records Request

Email your request(s) to stephanie.n.wiley@ks.gov

Record fees shall be charged in advance and work on the request will not start until payment is received.  Original agency records shall remain in the possession and control of an agency staff member during inspection and/or duplication.

Delayed/Denied Requests

All efforts will be made to process your request for public records as soon as it is received.  However, some requests may be delayed or denied if: more information is needed to identify or retrieve the records, legal issues must be addressed to determine if the records may be closed or released; the requested records are archived or stored off site; or the volume of records requested is large and will take time to duplicate.

Requests may be denied in-whole or in-part if: the requested records do not exist, the requested record is exempt from mandatory disclosure by law, or the request is unclear and more information is needed.

If the request is delayed, you will receive a written explanation for the delay within three business days of the date your request was received with a detailed explanation of the cause for further delay and the place and earliest time and date the record will be available.  If your request is ultimately denied for any reason, you will also be notified of that fact within three business days or, if it takes longer to make that determination as soon as the outcome is decided or known.

If you request records containing names and/or addresses, or other information the law restricts in some way, you will be required to provide a written statement that you will not use those records for purposes prohibited or limited by state law.  Denial of a person’s inspection or copying request must be explained in writing to include a written citation to the laws being relied upon in determining the denial.


A list of exemptions may be found in K.S.A. 45-221.  If a record is only partially exempted from disclosure, the public information officer shall redact the exempted materials and make available the materials that are subject to disclosure.

Charges and Fees

Fees shall be charged and paid by the requester in advance.  These fees shall apply to the provision of access to or copying public records.  Fees for copies shall not exceed the actual cost incurred by the agency, including the cost of staff time required to comply with a request.  Fees for providing access to computer records shall include the cost of information technology, including staff time required.  The following are the current charges:

  • Staff time will be charged at the rate of pay for the person(s) whose time is used to assist and/or respond to a specific record request
  • Copying: 0.25/page or copy (first 100 pages no charge)
  • Faxing: 0.50 + staff time
  • Computer printout: 0.03/sheet
  • Electronic mailing list: $50.00
  • Postage: based on weight

Additional Information

If you have questions about the Act or the Kansas State Board of Nursing’s policies under it, contact Linda Davies, Public Information Officer at 785-296-8401 or email linda.davies@ks.gov