
Fingerprints & Background Check

Submit a fingerprint card, completed waivers, and fee for a background check

All applicants must submit a criminal background check prior to issuance of a license. The cost for a criminal background check is $57.

You can be fingerprinted wherever you are located. It is not necessary that it be a law enforcement agency. It can be any place that is authorized to do fingerprints.

  • You will want to call ahead to wherever you are considering being printed to see if they have a card for you. You will need FD Form 258.
  • If they do provide a card for you, please print out the “Waiver Agreement and Fingerprint Instructions” found on our website. You must take this in when you are printed, as it must be completed at the time that the prints are taken.
  • If they do not have the card you need, you can request one from KSBN’s forms page.

Once fingerprint card and waivers are completed attach a check or money order for $57.00, made payable to Kansas Board of Nursing and mail to KSBN.

KSBN Address:

Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson Street
Suite 1051
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1230