
Exempt/Inactive Renewal Application

For those applying to keep their exempt or inactive status

Exempt/Inactive Renewal Application Checklist

If Applicable:

  • If you have legal history to report, do you have your supporting documentation?


  • Pursuant to K.A.R. 60-3-107 (b) applications for licensure while awaiting documentation of qualifications shall be active for 6 months. The expiration date of each application shall be based upon the date of the receipt at the agency. Once the application has expired, each individual seeking licensure shall file a new application along with a new fee as prescribed by K.A.R. 60-4-101


Portal Guides

Creating an Account
  • Click on “Register a Person” on the left of the login page
    • Fill in your last name, date of birth, and social security number
    • Click “Search”
    • Complete the profile creation form
    • Click “Register”
Resetting My Login
  • Click on “Register a Person” on the left of the login page
    • Fill in your last name, date of birth, and social security number
    • Click “Search”
    • You should now have a page with most of your information already filled in
      • You can reset your userID, password, and password question/answer
      • Make sure these boxes have something in them, they are required to move on
    • Click “Register”
Starting the Application

You will need to sign into your portal account to complete an application. Once you get signed in:

  • Click on “Renew License” on the left
    • Find the license you wish to renew
      • Click “Continue” in the blue bar above that license
    • Click “Start Application”

You are now filling out the application. Once finished, checkout and print/save your receipt.

If you leave your application for any reason, you will be able to pick it back up by logging in and clicking on “Continue” in the blue bar above your pending application. If the that link isn’t there, check your cart.