

Request Official Transcripts

All Graduates must provide proof of completion/graduation from an approved nursing education program.

The transcript must include the following:

  • Legal Name (first, middle (if applicable) and last)
  • Degree Awarded
  • Date of Graduation
  • Degree Earned

Electronic transcripts can be sent DIRECTLY to KSBN by your nursing program using Parchment or National Student Clearinghouse. If using National Student Clearinghouse, select the Education option to send the transcript: then select Kansas Board of Nursing or KSBN. ***If it asks for a SPECIFIC email and Kansas Board of Nursing DOES NOT populate for you, you must request the school to mail a transcript directly from your nursing program to the KSBN office.

KSBN Address:

Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson Street
Suite 1051
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1230